Don't be afraid of dengue mosquitoes - Laraib Articles

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Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Don't be afraid of dengue mosquitoes

Don't be afraid of dengue mosquitoes
Dengue virus-causing mosquitoes that have black streaks on their body, clean water, water tanks, taps, drainage paths, rain water, lakes, saline water and clean water vessels I lay eggs. This female mosquito is invading most humans at sunrise or sunset.

These mosquitoes do not lay eggs at temperatures of about 22 degrees Celsius, which prevents their breeding, however their hatched eggs are safe and wait for favorable season for their breeding. From December to December, the eggs of these mosquitoes grow rapidly.
Symptoms of dengue fever appear three to seven days after the virus enters the body.

Symptoms of dengue fever include colds, severe fever, loss of appetite, back pain, severe pain in body, severe pain in muscles and joints, red spots on the body, difficulty in breathing, yellowing of color, Abdominal pain and lack of plaque (PLATELETS) and white cells in the patient's blood.
There are four stages of dengue fever.
In the first phase, the patient begins to have severe fever, severe headache and knee pain. In the second stage, severe fever and pain in the body can cause bleeding from the colon, gums and skin. The system is also greatly affected, while in the fourth and final stage, the patient suffers from severe fever and pain. His strength is greatly reduced in the immune system, which causes him to be easily arrested in other diseases.

This fever is also called bone fever (BREAK BONE FEVER), as the fever causes severe pain in the bones and muscles of the patient, and then the severity of the disease increases as blood starts flowing from the mouth and nose. Dengue fever is generally more prone to those whose immune system is weak.
In addition, there is a "dengue hammer jack fever" (DHF), a type of dengue infection, which causes a high fever for two to seven days, and causes the patient to vomit in the stomach with severe vomiting. I have pain and difficulty in breathing.
In this case the blood starts to decrease due to the number of saucers. The excessive blood supply and physical shocks can result in sudden drop in blood pressure, which causes death. According to the World Health Organization, the mortality rate of "dengue hammer jack fever" is less than one percent if the patient is treated on time and properly.

Dengue virus cannot be transmitted from person to person. The period of transmission of the virus is completed when the mosquito bites a human with the virus and transmits the virus into the blood, which causes the person to get dengue fever. The other person is at risk of spreading the virus, when a mosquito in which the dengue virus does not already exist, bites the dengue patient and then transmits the virus from the infected person to the mosquito. And then when he gets mosquito
When a healthy human bite is transmitted to the virus, it is important to keep the dengue patient first, in order to prevent the dengue virus from spreading to healthy people.

No vaccine has been discovered for the dengue virus yet, so as soon as any of the above symptoms appear, the patient should drink as much water and drink as possible and contact the nearest medical center immediately. In a fever the patient should feed nutrients that increase the strength of the immune system. Feed digestive and light foods and minimize the use of pepper spice.

Dengue is the only means of preventing the disease from mosquitoes and preventive measures should be done to clean mosquito nets in two to three baths, offices and shops a week. The bottom of every corner of the house, bedding and sofas, etc. These mosquitoes usually bite more in the morning and evening hours, so special care should be taken during those times.
Apply nets on doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes. Spray mosquitoes on doors and windows and behind curtains.
Dengue mosquitoes that live in clean water, so water tanks, buckets and other utensils should be covered. No water storage vessel should hold more than a week.
Do not allow water to accumulate inside and outside the homes. Dengue mosquitoes can also be nourished in used tin cans and car tires, so these types of items that contain water, should be kept empty. Do not allow water to accumulate too much around. Wear full sleeveless shirt and use mosquito repellent to prevent mosquito attack.

Must use mosquito beds for dengue patients. Children, pregnant women and older people should also sleep in mosquitoes. Use jaguar and stockings for a walk in the park in the morning and evening hours. By keeping the area clean and the number of dengue survivors we can avoid it. By keeping the environment around us safe not only from dengue fever, but also many other diseases.

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