Common Tips for a Heart Attack , how to stop a heart attack immediately - Laraib Articles

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Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Common Tips for a Heart Attack , how to stop a heart attack immediately

* Common Tips for a Heart Attack *
A heart attack or a heart attack is often life-threatening, and if one survives, extreme caution is required, otherwise the risk of another attack is always present.

Well, needless to say, a heart attack suddenly kills a person and often results in death.But did you know that some of your common habits are something that can be estimated by looking at your heart attack?

Yes, your mood, sleep and diet etc can all signal a heart attack.

* Angry at the little things *
If you get angry all the time, know that this can increase the risk of a heart attack dramatically. A study by the University of Australia found that over-hypertensive individuals had an 8-fold increased risk of heart attack in the 2 hours following the expression of the most severe anger. The simpler the words, the higher the risk of heart attack.

* Spend more time in front of the screen *
A London College University study found that people who spend more time in front of the television or computer have an increased risk of blood vessel-related diseases, such as heart attack or stroke. According to research, spending up to 4 to 5 hours a day in front of screens reduces the level of enzymes in the body that prevent the arteries from closing with fat, if you spend more time on the chair. , Then make it a habit to take a few walks or at least stand up every 20 minutes.

* Less than six hours of sleep *
Most adults are unable to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night, which can prove fatal if they become normal. One study found that people with less than 6 hours of sleep had a 5-fold higher risk of heart attack than those who slept for 7 to 8 hours.

* Family History *
If your closest relatives, such as a parent or sibling, have had premature (55-year-old men and 65-year-old) cardiovascular disease, this is very likely for you. Experts don't necessarily have family members suffering from a heart attack, and the effects do come to you as well, but it is likely that it is caused by genes, which is why a healthy lifestyle, routine medical examination and It is important to monitor the symptoms.

If you are addicted to smoking, the risk of heart attack or cardiovascular disease will also be 2 to 4 times higher. Smoking is not one of the worst causes of heart attack, one of the worst reasons is because it causes many adverse effects. ۔ It damages the arteries, causes cholesterol problems, while increases the risk of developing a blood clot which causes a heart attack.

* Age *
As age increases, the risk of heart attack increases as well, in fact men increase the risk of heart attack by 45, while women are 55, which is why it is important to have a routine medical examination. While the lifestyle should improve as well.

* Tension *
Your reaction to stress can play a role in the risk of heart attack, scientists have discovered the link between cardiovascular disease and stress, saying that the person suffering from stress can eat too much, start smoking. Or begins to smoke excessively, which can lead to heart failure.

* Poor diet *
The use of high fat, sweet and salty diets is detrimental to the health of the arteries, which in turn increases the risk of heart attack. In contrast, diets containing vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts and commodities help reduce this risk.

* Alcohol *
Alcohol, like tobacco, is detrimental to the health of the heart as it increases the level of tri-glyceride and causes a change in heart rate, which gradually increases the risk of heart attack.

* Body Weight *
Overweight or obesity can increase the risk of heart attack, especially fat storage around the stomach increases the risk of heart disease, heart attack or stroke. Experts say that using a healthy diet can reduce the risk of heart disease as well as obesity.

* Not taking care of diabetes *
If you are diabetic type two, you have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease than others, however controlling blood sugar levels can help to prevent it. Diabetes has narrowed arteries, which increases the risk of heart attack.

* Don't worry about cholesterol levels *

Increasing cholesterol in the body causes heart problems, which increases the risk of heart attack, as it tightens the arteries while increasing the amount of fat in the blood, which increases the risk of heart attack.

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